Cramp Roll Combination
This is a short combination I did for our rhythm class as a way of exploring cramp
rolls. There are many different rhythms/counts that could be used but I have listed 2 below to get you started.
4 bt walking cramp roll, 5bt walking cramp roll. Rep
Press cramp roll. Rep
Shuffle cramp roll
Reverse cramp roll
Step RtoR, ball beat L, heel beat R, heel beat L, Tap step RtoR, ball beat L,
heel beat R, heel beat L. Rep
Pick-up R, heel beat L, step heel beat R, heel beat L, Rep
Shuffle R, step R, step L, heel beat R, heel beat L
Tap step R, step L, heel beat L, heel beat R
Rep other side
+1+2+3+a4+5+6+7+a8 +1+a2+3+a4 +5+a6+ a7+a8
++a1+2+a3(4)++a5+6+a7(8) 1+a2+a3+a4 +a5+a6 7++a8
Lee Farrow Short Combination
This combination was taught by Lee Farrow at an ATD event.
4 beat cramproll R, step R, drop L, shuffle R, ball change RL, step R, stamp
L, toe tap R, ball change RL, toe tap R, ball change, 2 toe taps R (8+a123+4+56781234567)
4 beat cramproll R, step R, drop L, shuffle R, ball change RL, step R, stamp
L, toe tap R, ball change RL, toe tap R, drop R, shuffle L, ball change LR, stamp L (8+a123+4+56781234+5+67(8))
Step R, brush L, hop R, step L, drop R, shuffle L, ball change LR, stamp L (1+(2)+34+5+67(8))
Drop R, shuffle L, ball change LR, drop L, shuffle R, ball change RL ,stamp
R, stamp L, drop R, shuffle L, ball change LR, stamp L, toe tap R, stamp R, stamp L (1+2+34+5+6781+2+34567)
6/8 Combination
Jason DiMascio taught us this short routine at an ATD Dancers Days Out. It was originally to
Nina Simone's 'Feeling Good'. We didn't have time to complete the routine, so I have omitted the last set of waltz steps (there
were originally 4 sets) to enable a repeat on the other side. I've found it fits well to 'One For My Baby' (I used Robbie
William's version).
LXFR, fwd brush R, step RXFL step L side, step RXFL step L side, step RXFL, step L side (1(2)3(4)561234(5))
heel beats R, heel beat L, 2 heel beats R, step
LXBR, step R side, step L side, step heel beat
RXFL (61(23)4(5)6123456)
step L, 2 heel beats R, heel beat L, 2 heel beats R, step LXBR, step
R side, step L side, step heel beat RXFL
step L, step R side, step heel beat LXFR, step R side, step L side, step heel beat RXFL, tap
step L, step R side, step LXFR(a12345612a345)
tap R, heel beat L, step R side, step LXFR, toe
tap R, heel beat L, step R side, step LXFR, toe tap R, heel beat
L, step R side, step LXFR (612345612345)
Toe tap R, heel beat L, stamp R side (61(2)3(456))
single waltz steps start L (turning) (1+2+3 4+5+6)
double waltz steps start L (a1+2+3 a4+5+6)
single waltz steps start L (turning) (1+2+3
Stamp L, pull-back, step L, scuff R,
heel beat L (12+a3456)
Repeat all on the other
Senorita - Justin Timberlake
A short dance choreographed
by me to fit with the above song. It repeats on the same leg although if you wanted to change legs then the last step can
be altered to step heel beat R instead of ball change.
Heel L Shuffle R (to R side), heel beat L, Step RXBL, Step L (side), Step heel beat RXFL, Tap step
L, Tap step R (fwd), Ball Change R-L (8+a12+(3)+4+5+6+7) Rep o/s (8+a12+(3)+4+5+6+7)
Heel beat L, toe tap R(to side with knee bent inwards), heel beat L, heel dig R(to side with toe
pointing outwards), Heel beat L, step RNL, Heel beat R, toe tap L(to side with knee bent inwards), heel beat R, heel dig L(to
side with toe pointing outwards), heel beat R, step LNR (+1+2+3(4)+5+6+7(8))
Heel beat L, toe tap R(to side with knee bent inwards), heel beat L ,heel dig R(to side with toe
pointing outwards), Heel beat L, step RNL, Heel beat R, toe tap L(to side with knee bent inwards), heel beat R, heel dig L(to
side with toe pointing outwards), heel beat R, step LNR (a1e+a2a3e+a4)
Ball beat R, ball beat L, heel beat R, heel beat L, ball beat R, ball beat L, heel beat R, heel
beat L (all travelling out), slide together (5e(+)a6+a(7)e+(a)8)
Tap step R side, heel beat R, heel beat L, pick-up step RNL, heel beat L, heel beat R. Rep o/s
Tap step R side, heel beat L, heel beat R, ball beat L, ball beat R, heel beat L, heel beat R,
pick-up L, heel beat R, toe tap LXBR, heel beat R, tap step L side, heel beat R, heel beat L, pick-up R (+1+2+3+4+5+67e+a8)
Clap, toe tap RXBL, heel beat L, stamp R, 4 beat paddle L, 4 beat paddle R (clap12+34+56+7+8)
Step heel beat L (fwd), toe tap RXBL, chug L, ball change RL, shuffle R, ball change RL (+12+(3)+4(5)+6+7)
Paddle Combination
This was taught by Donna Berlin at one of the TapUK festivals, and is a mixture of paddles from 4 to 9 beats. I have
written out the paddles and then the combi.
4 beat = heel dig R
pick-up R step R heel beat R
5 beat =
heel dig R pick-up R heel beat L step R heel beat R
6 beat =
heel dig R pick-up R heel beat L tap step R heel beat R
7 beat =
heel dig R pick-up R heel beat L shuffle R step R heel beat R
8 beat =
heel dig R pick-up R heel beat L toe tap R heel beat L tap step R heel beat R
9 beat = heel dig R
pick-up R heel beat L toe tap R heel beat L shuffle R step R heel beat R
Combi = 4R, 4L,
8R, 4L, 4R, 8L, 4R, 4L, 8R, 4L, 4R, 6L, stamp R, 7L, 9R, 7L, 9R, 7L, 9R, 5L, 6R, 4L
Salsa Feel
This was taught by Diane Hampstead to an Advanced Class at TapUK 2003.
Step L fwd
, step R in place, step LNR. Rep R ((1)234(5)678)
Step L side,
step R in place, step LNR. Rep R ((1)234(5)678)
Step L bk,
step R in place, step LNR. Rep R ((1)234(5)678)
Step L side,
step RNL, step LXFR, step R side, toe tap LXBR, ball change LR, heel beat R stamp L
Clap, 3 bt
paddle R, 3 bt paddle L, stamp R, ball change LR, heel beat R stamp L (12+3+4+5(6)+7+8)
Fwd tap R,
heel tap R, heel beat L (R leg travels fwd and round), step R, step L, step R, 2xtoe taps L (while pivoting full turn on R),
stamp L (+a1+2+3+4)
Jump together,
ball change LR, heel beat R stamp L ((5)+(6) +7+8)
Fwd tap R,
step R, step LXBR, bkwd tap R, step R, step LXFR, fwd tap R, step R, step LXBR, bkwd tap R, step R, step LXFR, tap step R
Step L, ball
change RL, heel beat L, step R, fwd tap L, heel tap L, heel beat R, step L, ball change RL, heel beat L, step R (1(2)+3+4+a5+(6)+7+8)
Schlam L, heel
beat R, step L, step R, step L, schlam R, step R, schlam L, shuffle ball change. Rep
Step L fwd
, step R in place, step LNR. Rep R ((1)234(5)678)
Step L side,
step RNL, step LXFR, step R side, toe tap LXBR, ball change LR, heel beat R stamp L
Repeat all
from clap.
Another one
from Diane - this was taught at TapUK 2004 to 'Musicology' by Prince.
4 beat paddle
R, stamp L, toe tap RXBL, chug L, shuffle R, ball change RL, step R (1+2+34+(5)+6+78)
Repeat starting
L, then again starting R (1+2+34+(5)+6+78) (1+2+34+(5)+6+78)
Clap, stamp
L,R, ball beats L,R,L,R,L (twisting) (1234+(5)+67)
Shuffle R (side),
toe tap R (side, knee turned in), Rep, 3 shuffles R (side), toe tap R (side, knee turned in) (8+12+34+5+6+7)
Shuffle R (side),
toe tap R (side, knee turned in), shuffle R (side), 2 toe taps R (side, knee turned in), 2 shuffles R (side), step RXFL (8+12+345+6+7(8))
Tap step L
(side), heel beat L, ball dig RNL, heel beat L, step R (side), heel beat R, ball dig LNR (a1234+(5)+67(8)) Rep but change
last ball dig to step LNR (a1234+(5)+67(8))
Stamp R, stamp
L, pick-up R, ball change RL, scrape R (outside edge to R), heel beat L, step R, step LXBR, dig RXFL (outside edge), scrape
R (outside edge to R), 4 beat cramp roll R (+1+2+3+4+5+(6)+7+8) Rep 2 more times
Clap, stamp
L,R, ball beats L,R,L,R,L (twisting) (1234+(5)+67)
Very Fast!!
Yet another little combi from Diane. This was taught at TapUK 2004 and Diane
used the
theme tune from the TV programme 'Jeeves & Wooster'.
3 Tap steps
(fwd) R,L,R, fwd tap L, heel dig L, step R, pick-up step LNR, stamp RXFL, step L, step R, stamp LXFR, step R, step L (a1a2a3+a4a5a6a7a8)
Stamp R, stamp
L, pick-up R, heel beat L, toe tap R, heel beat L, heel dig R, heel beat L, pick-up step RNL (turning), tap step L (side),
heel beats R,L, ball beats R,L (travelling L) (a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8)
Clap (sliding
R in), step RNL, stamp L(nw), pick-up step heel beat L, 4 beat paddle R, stamp L (nw), pick-up step L, stamp R (nw), pick-up
step R, stamp L (1a2a3+a4+a5a6a7a8)
Fwd tap R,
heel scuff R (take leg round), heel beat L, step R(bk), step LNR, heel beats R,L (aa12+(3)a4)
Pick-up step
R, pick-up step L, step RNL, toe clip, ball beats R,L, heel beats R,L, stamp R (a5+a6+a7+a8)