Routine 5
This short dance was choreographed
by Susan Bishop at the ATD festival in 2001 for an advanced class. The music used was Dance with Me by Debelah Morgan and
has a spanishy feel.
Dance with Me
Arms up 5-8.
Heel beat L, 3 beat shuffle
R, heel beat L, step RXBL. Ball beat heel beat ball beat heel beat all L. Heel beat L, 3 beat shuffle R, heel beat L, step
RXBL ,Turn to face RDF(1e++a23+4+5e++a6turn78)
Tap step heel beat R,
tap step heel beat L, ball change, Tap step heel beat R, tap step heel beat L, tap step heel beat R, ball change - all
travelling to RDF(+1+2+3+4+a5+a6+a7+8)
Step L, pick-up step R,
Rep 4 more times turning (about 3 turns), stamp L (1+2+3+4+a5+6+7+8)
Step R, double pirouette,
step L, turn, double flap (1turn234step5turn6e+a7(8))
Tap step R, tap step L,
5 beat riff R, step L Fwd(half turn to face back), pick-up step R, pick-up step L (+1+2+3+a4(5)6+7+8)
Tap step R, tap step L,
5 beat riff R (to back), Heel beat R, toe tap L, heel beat R, toe tap L, heel beat R, step L Fwd(half turn to face back),
pick-up step R, pick-up step L (+1+2+3+a4+a5+a6+7+8)
Tap step R, tap step L,
5 beat riff R, heel beat R, toe tap L, heel beat R, step L, pick-up R, ball dig R, heel beat L, heel beat R, ball beat L,
ball beat R, heel beat L, heel beat R (+1+2+3+a4+a5+a6+a7+a8)
Step L, step R, step L
Step R, lift L leg, step
L, step RnL, step LtoL, step RnL, rep other side (123+4567+8)
Step RXFL, 4 steps turning
to LDF, step L (1(2)34567(8))
Step RtoR, 4 beat cramp roll turning, Rep. Step R, step LXFR, Step RtoR, 4 beat cramp roll turning.
Rep. Step R (1++a2+3e+a4+5++a6+7e+a8)
Maxiford L, drop L, toe
tap RXFL, swing leg round toe tap RXBL, ball change, stamp R (1e++a23+(45)6+78)
Stamp L, pull back, Rep. Step
L, step R, stamp L, pull back, Rep. Step L (1++a2+33e+a4+5++a6+7e+a8)
Heel beat L, shuffle step
R, tap step heel L, drop down on R knee arm position to finish (1(2)+3+(4)+a567)
Routines 6 & 7
The next 2 routines are
by Jill Freeman and were taught at TapUk 2002. The first was an advanced class and uses Mack The Knife by Robbie Williams.
The second routine is to Get Happy from the Pop Idol Big Band album, and was for an intermediate level.
Mack the Knife
A 2x Tack Annie starting R, Pick-up R, heel beat L, step R, pick-up L, heel beat R, step L, heel beat
R, heel beat L. Rep (+12+34+5+6+7+8 x2)
Tap step R, toe tap L,
ball change, toe tap L, ball change, ball change, toe tap L, ball change, toe tap L, ball change (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
5 beat cramp roll L, pull
back on R, heel beat R, heel beat L, ball dig step R, ball dig step L (+1+a2e+a3+45678)
B Stamp R (foot inwards), ball beat, heel beat, ball beat, Slide together, heel beat L, shuffle ball
change R. Rep (1234slide56+7+8 x2)
Tap step R, toe tap L,
ball change, toe tap L, ball change, ball change, toe tap L, ball change, toe tap L, ball change (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
5 beat cramp roll L, pull back on R, heel beat R, heel beat
L, ball dig step R, ball dig step L (+1+a2e+a3+45678)
C Stamp 3x hops R to RDB, pick-up
step L, pick-up step R, shuffle L, hop R, step LXFR (1234+5+6+7+8)
Hop L, flap R, pick-up
step L, pick-up step R, shuffle L, hop R, step LXFR (+a1+2+a3+a4)
Toe tap R, hop L, step
R, pick-up step L, pick-up step R, shuffle L, hop R, step LXFR to face front (+a5+6+a7+a8)
D Tap step R, wing preparation L, forward brush R, hop L, step back R, hop R, step back L, tap step R, 5
bt cramp roll change L (+1+a23+(4)+5+6+7+a8)
5 bt
cramp roll R, toe clip, ball beats RL, heel clip, heel beats RL, 5bt cramp roll R, pull back R, heel beats RL (+1+a2+a3+a4+5+a6e+a7+8)
ORDER: Section A - 4 times. Section B - twice. Section A - once. Section B - once. Section
C - twice. Section D - twice Section C - once. Section D - once.
Section C - once. Section D - once. All sections once in order
Get Happy
4 different arm positions.
4x step click fingers.
A 4x Ball beat R (in, out, in, out), ball change, tap step ball change R to RDF
Tap step L to LDF, step
R, tap step ball change L, Shuffle R, hop L, step R back Rep L. (+12+3+4+5+6+7+8) Repeat all
B Stamp R, hop L, pick-up step R, pick-up step L, tap step ball change R, shuffle
L, hop R, step L (12+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Pick-up R, heel beat L,
step R, pick-up L, heel beat R, step L, heel beat R, heel beat L . Rep (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Stamp R, hop L, pick-up
step R, pick-up step L, tap step ball change R, shuffle L, hop R, step L (12+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Tap step R, heel beat
L, heel beat R, Rep L,R,L turning to face Left (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
C Stamp R(nw), 4 beat cramp roll R,
shuffle R, 2 ball changes, Tap step heel beat R to R, tap step heel beat LXFR
(1e+a2+3+4+5+6+7+8) Rep 2 more times
Stamp RXFL, step L, step
R, stamp LXFR, step R, step L, stamp R(nw) to face front (1234567(8))
D Step heel beat R, step heel beat L to LDF, step RXFL, step LXBR, lunge R (1234567(8))
Heel beat R, step LXBR,
heel beat L, step R to R, heel beat R, step LXFR, heel beat L, toe tap R. Rep to L (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Step heel beat L, step
heel beat R to RDF, step LXFR, step RXBL, lunge L (1234567(8))
2x step click fingers,
shuffle R, hop L, step R, shuffle L, hop R, step L (1234+5+6+7+8)
ORDER: Do sections A, B, C, D 3 times through. On 3rd time dont do clicks
at end section D, go to section C again .Carry on section D to first lunge.
Routine 8
This dance is a nice upbeat one that I choreographed
for the rhythm tap class. The music used is Just A Little by Liberty X from the album Thinking It Over. It is a fairly simple
dance with 2 sections that repeat. Some bits are quite quick and the rhythm is a little tricky in places.
Just A Little
4 bars intro
Section A
Shuffle step RXFL, Rep LtoL, Rep RXFL, ball change LR (+a1(2)+a3(4)+a5(67)+8))
Shuffle step L, Rep R, Rep L (travelling backwards), ball change RL(1+2+3+4+5+67)
Tap step heel beat R, Rep L, toe tap R, heel beat L.(travelling forwards), Rep (+8+1+2(3)+4(5)+a6+a7+8)
2 stamps R, ball change LR, clap (1+(2)3+4)
Forward brush L, heel beat R, backward brush L, heel beat R, ball change LR, stamp L (5ea6+78)
4 beat paddles R, L, R, heel beats L, R, L, R, Rep starting L (1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a5e+a6e+a7e+a8e+a)
4 beat paddle R, stamp L x3 (1e+a2(3)4e+a5(6)7e+a8)
Heel beat L, ball dig heel tap R, heel beat L, step heel beat RXFL, step L, shuffle
ball change R, heel beat L x2 (e+a1+2+3e+a4e+a5+6+7e+a8)
Step R, forward brush L, heel beat R, step LXFR ((1)+2(3)+4)
Heel beat L, toe tap RXBL, heel beat L, toe tap R to R, Rep, 2 chugs L (5e(+)a6(e)+a(7)e+(a)8+)
Section B
Stamp R, clap, tap-step heel beat L, toe tap RXBL, heel beat L. Rep (12+a3+456+a7+8)
Stamp R, clap, tap-step heel beat L, toe tap RXBL, heel beat L, stamp R, clap, tap-step heel beat L, toe tap RXBL,
heel beat L ,stamp R, clap (12+a3+a45+a6+a78)
Scuff L round, 2 heel beats R, backward brush L, heel beat R, toe tap LXBR, heel beat R, step L (1+2a3+a4)
3 beat shuffle R finish XFL, heel beat L, scrape R out, heel beat L, backward brush R, heel beat L, toe tap RXBL, heel
beat L, stamp R (e+a5+6a7+a8)
2 heel beats R, ball touch L, heel beat R, ball touch L, heel beat R, ball touch L, heel beat R, step L (1+2+a3+a4)
Step RXBL swing L round, step LXBR, step R to R, step L fwd ((5)+(6)+78)
Order: Whole thing twice. Repeat B. Repeat whole. Rep B. Rep
first 16 counts of B but omit last clap