Jo's Tap

Routines 9

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The routines on my website have been choreographed either by myself or other dancers whose workshops I have attended. They are written using mostly English tap terminology, which unfortunately is slightly different to American. For instance, a flap in the UK is called a flam in the US, and the step that American's call a flap or slap, is called a tap-step in Britain. Confusing or what! I have also used some abbreviations, which are explained below.
L or RDF = left or right diagonal front  L or RDB = left or right diagonal back  R = Right Foot  L  = Left Foot  Bk = backwards
Fwd = forwards  NW = no weight  NR = next to right i.e. Step LNR step left foot next to right  NL = next to left
XF = cross in front i.e. Tap step LXFR cross the tap step in front of the right leg  XB = cross behind i.e. Toe Tap RXBL toe tap is done behind the left leg. All steps are done forwards or facing front unless stated i.e. shuffle R (side) is a shuffle at the side.
The routines on this sight have all been reproduced with the permission of the choreographer and fellow tappers should feel free to use them. However I would ask that if you are teaching any of the routines that you acknowledge, most importantly, the choreographer, but also the source i.e. this website. Thanks!
Apologies to those of you who have been waiting for the routines from TapUK 2005. I'm afraid I didn't write anything down this year!! So, if anybody did and you would like it posted on the site, please email it to me. The only one I can completely remember is below.
Routine 33
This was Maurice Kachuk's advanced class at TapUK 2005. The music he used was 'Shine On Harvest Moon'. I have also used 'Slow Boat To China' by Kay Starr, which it fits quite well to.

4 bt riff R, scuff L, heel beat R, bk brush step L, pick-up step R, shuffle L, hop R, step LXFR, tap step R (+8+123+4+a5+a6+7)

Rep L (+8+123+4+a5+a6+7) Rep R omitting tap step at end (+8+123+4+a5+a6)

Step R side, step LXBR, step R side, step LXFR, step R taking ¼ turn to right on last step, step L taking ½ turn to face L, step RXBL, step L side (bk), step RXFL, step L side, stamp R, stamp L to face back (78+1234+56+7)


Step RXBL, step L side (turning), step R side (facing front), ball dig LNR, slide L foot to LDF (2 counts), heel beat L (lifting R), bk brush R, step RNL, step LNR, step R (lifting L) (8123(45)6+7+8)

Bk brush L, step LNR, step RNL, step L (lifting R), bk brush R, step RNL, step LNR, step R (lifting L), rep both sides again (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)

Shuffle L, step heel beat L, heel dig R fwd, pick-up step R, shuffle step L, rep R (+1+a2+3+a4+5+a6+7+a8)

Shuffle L, step heel beat L, heel dig R fwd, pick-up step R, shuffle step L, shuffle R, heel beat L, step RXBL, pick-up L, heel beat R, step L, pick-up R, heel beat L, step RXFL, heel beat R, stamp L (no weight) (+1+a2+3+a4+a5+a6+a7+a8)


Kick L side, step LXBR, step R side, step LXFR, step RXFL, step L bk, step R, ball change LR (turning to back) (1234567+8)

Open ball change LR, step LXFR, open ball change RL, step RXFL, rep L, rep R (+12+34+56+78)

Rep above 2 lines starting facing back and turning to front but change last step to a ball dig RNL (1234567+8) (+12+34+56+78)


Open riff R (fwd tap + heel scuff R, heel beat L), bk brush R, step RXBL, heel beat R, heel beat L (take full turn on heel beats), tap step R side, pick-up L, ball change LR, tap step L side, pick-up R, open ball change RL (+a1+234+5+a6+7+a8)

Pick-up step R, open riff L, bk brush L, step LXBR, heel beat L, heel beat R (take full turn on heel beats), tap step L side, pick-up R, ball change RL, tap step R side, pick-up L, open ball change LR (+1+a2+345+6+a7+8+a1)

Pick-up step L, open riff R, bk brush R, step RXBL, heel beat R, heel beat L (take full turn on heel beats), tap step R side, pick-up L, ball change LR (+2+a3+456+7+a8)

Tap step L side, open ball change RL, brush RXFL, hop L, heel dig + ball beat RXFL, tap step L side, open ball change RL, ball dig RNL (+1+2+3+4+5+67)


The routine then repeated again from the start to about half way through.

Routine 34
Another one from Maurice - this routine was taught at the ATD Dancers Day Out in Nottingham. The music is 'One Love' by Blue.

Stand in 2 lines of equal amounts facing front. Wait 12 counts.


4 beat riff R (5+(6)+7). Shuffle step L, shuffle step R, shuffle ball change L, ball dig L, step L to LDF, step RNL, step L to LDF, step RNL, step L to LDF (+a8+a1+2+3456+(7)+8)

Step RXFL, turn to back, tap step heel beat R, tap step heel beat L, tap step heel beat R travelling to RDB, 2 heel beat R, step LXFR, step R bk, step L to face front (12+a3+a4+a5+67+8)

Hop L, shuffle R, hop L, step RXFL, ball beat R out, step L side, step RXFL, ball beat R out, step L side, step RXFL, hope R, shuffle L, hop L, step LXFR, ball beat L out, step R side, step LXFR (1e+a2+3+4+5+a6+a7+8)

Hop L, flap R, step L, step R, step L turning to back, 4x shuffle hop step starting R (+a1234e+a5e+a6e+a7e+a8)


Hop L, flap R, step L, step R, step L taking ¼ turn to R, hop L, shuffle R, hop, 2 toe taps R, hop L, shuffle R, hop, toe beat R (+a12345e+a6+7e+a8)

Take ½ turn to face other side, 2 knee bends, 4 twisty bouncy steps (‘boy-band style’!) to face front (12345678)

Kick L leg side, step LXBR, step R side, step LXFR, step R side, drag L and step NR (1+2+34)

Shuffle R (knee out), toe tap R (knee in), shuffle R (knee out), 2 toe taps R (knee in), shuffle R (knee out), toe tap R (knee in), stamp R (+a5+a6+7e+a8)

Hop R, shuffle L, hop R, ball change LR, touch L fwd, touch L bk, step L, hop L, shuffle R, hop L, ball change RL, touch R fwd (1e+a2+345+a6e+78)


Draw circle on floor with R and finish NL, 2 knee bends/bounces, 4 walks to face partner in other line (12345678)

Step R side, step LXBR, step R side, kick L. Rep to L (1+2+3+4+) step RXFL, full turn (56) high 5 to partner (7) place hands on hips (8)

Raise heels and bend knees in twice, swivel hips L to R. Rep (+1+234+5+678)

Step R fwd, step L fwd crossing arms in front low, step R bk taking R arm low on R side, ball dig LNR taking L arm high on L side, hold 4 counts (1234(5678))

4 walks starting L to partner’s original position (i.e. original back line now becomes front line and vice versa), step L, bend R leg behind and touch heel with L hand, bend R leg to side and touch heel with R hand, bend R leg in front and touch heel with L hand, step R (12345+6+7)


Repeat verse (without first 4 beat riff) and chorus again


Shuffle L, pick-up change RL, ball dig RXBL, turn ¾ to face L (2 counts to turn). Rep to face back (+8+a1(23)+4+a5(67))

Rep to face R (3 counts to turn), 3 walks to face back, ball dig R (+8+a1(234)5678)

Open ball change RL, step RNL, rep L, rep R, rep L, rep R, rep L, rep R, hitch L leg and turn to front, step L (1+23+45+67+81+23+45+678)


Front line: Slide R leg back and drop onto R knee (2 counts), extend L leg out then return (2 counts), lower L knee to floor and turn to back (2 counts), step R, L to stand (2 counts) facing back. Stand for 8 counts.

Back line: Stand for 8 counts. Slide R leg back and drop onto R knee (2 counts), extend L leg out then return (2 counts), lower L knee to floor and turn to back (2 counts), step R, L to stand (2 counts) facing back.


4 walks starting R, step R, 3 ball changes turning (12345+6+7+8). Rep L, rep R, rep L, rep R - during this the back lines merges into the front line alternately and everyone travels to the R then across to the L and back R forming a large semi-circle. 3 walks to a finishing position and pose!!

Routine 35

This was taught by Di Cook at the Nottingham DDO. The music was Glenn Miller’s ‘In The Mood’. It is danced in partners.




Face B at arm’s length from partner.

Introduction: wait 8 counts.

Step and ball dig x 4 starting RF….……………….…………………….………………………….12345678

RSP swivels on ball of LF to face F and stamps RF to side, arms to high V while LSP stamps RF to side, arms to low V…………………………..….………………….…………………………………………..1


LSP swivels on ball of RF to face F and stamps LF to side, arms to high V while RSP stamps LF to side, arms to low V……………………….…………………….………………………………………………4



Stamp forward RF, arms to shortened opposition………….….………..………..…...............................1


Stamp forward LF, arms to shortened opposition……………..………………..….……………………….4


Stamp forward RF and LF ……………………………………….………………………………………….78


Stamp and ball beat RF in out in out…………………………...………………………………………..1234

PU step RF, PU step LF, tap step BC (flat)………………….….…..……………………………&5&6&7&8

Stamp and ball beat LF in out in out………….…………………….……………………………………1234

PU step LF, PUstep RF, stamp LF, stamp RF.….…………………………………………………..&5&678


Step BC, slow BC sideways away from partner………………………….…………………………..1&2 34

Tap step heel inside foot to front, tap step heel other foot to back….…….................................&56 &78

Tap step BC x 4 round via outside to face partner… ……………………………&1&2 &3&4 &5&6 &7&8

RSP, hop RF flap LF, tap spring x 6………….……………………………&a1&2 &3&4 &5&6 &7(pause8)

LSP, hop LF flap RF, tap spring x 7………………………………………………...&a1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8

Stamp and clap x 4 R,L,R,L,(down down up up if you are on the L, up up down down if you are on the R……………………………………..…………………………………………………………………12345678


Take partner’s R hand, brush hop step round x 4 starting RF to change places ………&12&34&56&78

Holding both hands facing partner:-

Two foot stomp and jump back x 4 to own R,L,R,L……………………..………………………..12345678

Let go of partner’s left hand and brush hop step x 4 round to own side again…………&12&34&56&78


Cocorolla (square step)facing F:-

Tap step heel RF over LF, step heel back LF, step heel RF to R, close LF to RF……... &12 34 56 7(8)

RSP open turn to L in front  of partner, dig, step dig step dig…………....……………………..12345678

LSP open turn to R behind partner, dig step dig step dig……….…...………………………….12345678

RSP open turn to R away from partner, dig step dig step step…………………………………12345678

LSP open turn to L away from partner, dig step dig step dig………..………………………….12345678


Travelling to RDB tap step PU step x 4…………………..………………………….&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8

Travelling to RDF tap step PU step x 4………………….…………………………..&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8

Twist walks to LDF x 8 raising arms to high V………….……………….………………………...12345678

Stamp and clap x 4 R L R L facing F, lowering arms……..……………..……………………….12345678


Falling off a log:-

Kick RF step RF behind LF, step LF to L, step RF in front of LF………….…. ……………………1 2 3 4

Kick LF step LF behind RF, step RF to R, ……………………….. …………………………………… 5 6 7

Boogie back: -

Clap and two foot jump back with bent knees x 4……….…………..………………………8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rep falling off a log Rand L…………………………………………………………………….8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Flick BC RF x 4 turning via R and B to face front……….……………………………….8&1 2&3 4&5 6&7


Glen Miller step: -

Stamp RF, shuffle LF, hop RF, step LF, tap step heel RF, toe tap LF behind RF, clap, stamp LF……………………………… ………………….……………………………………….8&1&2&34 5 6 7(8)


Repeat all from* to **

Take partner’s R hand, brush hop step x 3 round partner to change places………………..&12&34&56

Jump feet together to face back……………………………………………...……………………………7(8)


Two foot twist away from each other……………………………………………………………………..123

Raise knee of inside leg……….………………………………………………………………………………4

Step BC sideways towards each other and slap sole of outside foot to partners outside foot, stamp outside foot with weight...………………………………………………………………………………5&6 78

Tap step heel inside foot to back………………………………………………….................................&12

Turn outwards and tap step heel outside foot to front………………….....……………………………&34

Hop step BC forward………………………...………………………………………………………5&(6) .&7

Lunge across in front or behind partner with flat foot…………………………...…………………………8

Routine 36
This next routine is by Diane Hampstead and was taught at TapUK 2004. The music was 'For The Longest Time' by Billy Joel.

3 beat paddle L, 3 beat paddle R, heel dig L, pick-up L, heel beat R, tap step L(side), pick-up R, step RNL (8+12+34+5+6+7)

Shuffle L (side), step LXFR, step R, heel beat L, heel beat R, ball beat L, ball beat R, heel beat L, heel beat R (all travelling R), pick-up L, heel beat R, toe tap LXBR, heel beat R, step L (+8+1+2+3+4+5+67)

Repeat all starting R (8+12+34+5+6+7) (+8+1+2+3+4+5+67)


Then repeat again starting L (8+12+34+5+6+7) (+8+1+2+3+4+5+67)

3 beat paddle R, 3 beat paddle L, heel dig R, pick-up R, heel beat L, tap step R(side), pick-up L, step LNR (8+12+34+5+6+7)

Shuffle R, step heel beat RXFL, 3 steps LRL (twisting), heel scuff R, ball change RL, tap step R (RDF), ball change LR (+8+a123+(4)+5+6+7(8))


Straight tap LXFR, heel beat R, straight tap L (LDB), heel beat R. Rep, step L (side dragging R in) (12345+(6)+78)

3x 4 beat paddle starting R, step L,R (1+2+3+4+5+6+78)

4 beat paddle L, step R,L, 4 beat paddle R, step L,R (1+2+345+6+78)

3 beat flap L, clap, 3 beat flap R, clap, ball change LR, stamp R (+a12+a34(5)+67)


Kick R leg (side), step RXBL, step L, step RXFL. Rep L (81234567)

4x Kick R leg (fwd), ball change RL (twisting hips) (8+12+34+56+7)

Kick R leg (side), step RXBL, step L, step RXFL. Rep L (81234567)

3 beat paddle R, 3 beat paddle L, heel dig R, pick-up R, heel beat L, tap step R(side), pick-up L, step LNR (8+12+34+5+6+7)