The routines on my website have been choreographed either by myself or
other dancers whose workshops I have attended. They are written using mostly English tap terminology, which unfortunately
is slightly different to American. For instance, a flap in the UK is called a flam in the US, and the step that American's
call a flap or slap, is called a tap-step in Britain. Confusing or what! I have also used some abbreviations, which are explained
L or RDF = left or right diagonal front
L or RDB = left or right diagonal back R = Right Foot L
= Left Foot
Bk = backwards
Fwd = forwards NW
= no weight NR = next to right i.e. Step LNR step
left foot next to right
NL = next to left
XF = cross in front i.e. Tap step LXFR
cross the tap step in front of the right leg XB = cross behind i.e. Toe Tap RXBL
toe tap is done behind the left leg. All steps are done forwards or facing front
unless stated i.e. shuffle R (side) is a shuffle
at the side.
The routines on this sight have all
been reproduced with the permission of the choreographer and fellow tappers should feel free to use them. However I would
ask that if you are teaching any of the routines that you acknowledge, most importantly, the choreographer, but also the source
i.e. this website. Thanks!
Routine 9
This is a dance adapted from original
choreography by Stuart Carroll of 'Tap Dogs' fame (I say adapted because I can't remember the exact routine Stuart did but
it's very similar). It's danced with everyone in a long line with alternating 'right' and 'left' people for the last section.
We originally danced this to 'I've got you under my skin' from the Pop Idol album but I've found it goes well to 'Move Your
Feet' by Junior Senior. The steps in italics are if you want to make it a bit harder - beware of bruised ankles and shins!
Shuffle R, ball change RL, fwd brush R, hop L, step R, ball change LR (a1+a2+3+4)
Shuffle L, spring L pick-up change RL, toe tap R, ball change RL, stamp R (a5+a6+78)
Pick-up step L, stamp R, stamp L, Pick-up step R, stamp L ,stamp R (+1+2+3+4)
Step L, pick-up R, heel beat L, Step R, pick-up L, heel beat R, Step L, pick-up R, heel beat L,
step R (5+a6+a7+a8)
Step L, pick-up R, heel beat L,
Step R, pick-up L, heel beat R, Step L, pick-up R, heel beat L, Step R, pick-up L, heel beat R, dig L (5e+a6e+a7e+a8)
all starting on the Left
Step R, pick-up L, heel beat R, Step L, pick-up R, heel beat L, Step R, pick-up L, heel beat R,
step L (5+a6+a7+a8)
Step R, pick-up L, heel beat R,
Step L, pick-up R, heel beat L, Step R, pick-up L, heel beat R, Step L, pick-up R, heel beat L, stamp R (5e+a6e+a7e+a8)
R, heel beat L, shuffle step R, Pick-up L, heel beat R, shuffle step L (a1+a2+3+a4)
Tap-spring R ripple R, tap-spring L ripple L, tap step R, stamp L, stamp R (+5+6+7+8)
starting L. Repeat once more on each side
Shuffle R, hop L pick-up one foot L, step RXFL, tap step L, side
ball change RL (a1+2+3+4)
R, heel beat L, toe tap R, heel beat L, stamp R, hips LR (+5+a6hips78)
other way. Repeat once more on each side.
D (right)
spring R, tap spring L, 5 beat cramp roll R, stamp R, stamp L, hit R, step R (+1+2+3+a45678)
step L, pick-up step R, tap step L, ball change RL, stamp R, hit L, step L, clap (+1+2+3+45678)
R, step R, hit L, step L, pick-up step R, pick-up step L, 5 beat cramp roll R (1234+5+6+7+a8)
R, step R, hit L, step L, pick-up step R, pick-up step L, stamp R, clap (1234+5+678)
Section D1 (right)
step L, pick-up step R, stamp L, clap (+5+678)
D (left)
spring L, tap spring R, 5 beat cramp roll L, stamp L, stamp R, hit L, step L(+1+2+3+a45678)
step R, pick-up step L, tap step R, ball change LR, stamp L, hit R, step R, clap (+1+2+3+45678)
L, step L, hit R, step R, pick-up step L, pick-up step R, 5 beat cramp roll L (1234+5+6+7+a8)
L, step L, hit R, step R, pick-up step L, pick-up step R, stamp L, clap (1234+5+678)
Section D1 (left)
step R, pick-up step L, stamp R, clap (+5+678)
A1 B C D(right or left) D1(right or left)
C D(right or left) D1(right or left)
C(only once on each side) - D(right or left) - D(right or left miss out last pick-up steps/clap)
NB where it says 'hit' you are hitting your ball tap with the ball tap of the person
on your left or right by lifting your leg behind you
Routine 10
I choreographed this routine
and taught it to a small class at the ATD 2003 Festival. The music is Scandalous by Mis-Teeq.
Intro wait 4 bars
A (short bit)
Ball change RL, stamp R, ball change LR, stamp L (1+23+4) Shuffle step x4 starting
R (+a5+a6+a7+a8)
Ball change RL, stamp R, ball change LR, stamp L (1+23+4) Hold 3 counts, bend
R knee up on 8
B (verse)
Step R, Heel beat both feet, Ball beat both feet. 3 bt paddle L then R.(1+23e+4ea)
3 OR 5 beat riff L, toe tap R, step R bk, step L to L(5e+a6+(7)+8). Rep other way finishing with Dig R
Shuffle step R, open ball change LR, shuffle step
L, open ball change RL, chug L, ball change RL, clap, 2 ball changes RL (+a1+2+a3+4+5+6+7+8) Repeat shuffle bit.
Section C (fast bit)
Tap step heel beat R fwd, heel beat L, pick-up step heel beat R bk, heel beat L.Rep (e+a1e+a2e+a3e+a4) OR 4x step R,
heel beat L OR tap step R, heel beat L, pick-up step R, heel beat L, twice.
3 OR 4 bt riff R, 3 OR 4 bt riff L (e+a5(6)e+a7(8))
Heel beat L, heel beat R, ball beat R, ball beat L. Rep (+1+2+3+4)
Tap step heel beat R to R, pick-up L, heel beat R, toe tap LXBR, heel beat R, tap step heel beat L to L (+a5+a6+7+8)
Repeat tap step/pick-up step and riffs. Step R, fwd brush L, heel beat R step LXFR ((1)+2(3)+4)
Heel beat L, toe tap RXBL, heel beat L, toe tap R to R. Rep. 2 chugs L (5e(+)a6(e)+a(7)e+(a)8+)
D (chorus)
Place RXFL, arms to side, turn ¾ to face side, arms to front. Step L out, turn head, step R then L NR to face front
Step R to R, ball beat L, heel beat R, heel beat L. Rep. (+1+2+3+4)
4x shuffle step starting R travelling backwards(+a5+a6+a7+a8)
Stamp heel beat R to R, brush step heel beat LXBR, stamp heel beat R to R, brush step heel beat LXFR. Rep(1+a2+etc)
3 OR 4 bt paddle R stamp L. Rep (1e+a23e+a4) 4x wing prep.R OR shuffle dig R (+a5+a6+a7+a8)
Repeat section A,B,C,D,A
Section E (slow bit)
Ball change RL, lunge R cross L foot over R, turn
leaving weight on R. Rep to Left
Stamp RXFL, pick-up step R, stamp
LXFR, pick-up step L. Rep (1+23+45+67+8)
Stamp RXFL, pick-up R, heel beat L, tap step R, heel beat L, heel beat R, pick-up L, heel beat R,
toe tap L, heel beat R, shuffle step heel beat L (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Walk R fwd, turn to back walk
L walk R turn to front walk L
section D twice and section A twice
Whole order: A B C D A B C D A E D D
Routine 11
This is one of Maurice Kachuk's routines from his October 2003 tap weekend. The music used was
'Shine On Your Shoes' from Guy Dearden's Class Tap 6 CD and has speed/rhythm changes.
Tap step heel beat R,
tap step heel beat L, tap step R, 2x heel beat R (+12+34+567(8))
Step bk L, pick-up R,
hop L, 2x toe taps LXBR. Rep other side (1+(2)+345+(6)+78)
Tap spring L, tap spring
R, tap step ball change, stamp R, clap, stamp L, 2 claps (+1+2+3+45+(6)+78)
4 beat cramp-roll, 5 beat
cramp-roll, 6 beat cramp-roll, step R, click fingers (+1+2+3+a4+a5+a678)
Step L to L, drag R foot
in, ball change RL, step R to R, drag L foot in, ball change LR (1(2)345(67)+8)
Step L, step RXFL, step
L, spring R, touch L, spring L, touch R (123(4)5+(6)+7(8))
2 hops L, lunge step R,
step LXBR, step R, step LXFR (123(4)567(8))
Ball dig RNL, ball dig
R to side, ball dig RNL, shuffle step R, shuffle ball change step L (1234+5+6+78)
Step R, 3x shuffle hop
step starting L. Rep (1+2+3+4+5+6+7(8)) (1+2+3+4+5+6+7(8))
Fwd brush R, bk brush
RXFL, tap step ball change. Rep other side (12+3+456+7+8)
Tap step heel beat R,
rep L, rep R, tap step ball change (+12+34+56+7+8) slowing down
Step R, ball change, step
L, ball change, step R, 3 ball changes turning (1+23+45+6+7+8)
Shuffle L, hop R, step
LXFR, 2 ball changes travelling R. Shuffle R, hop L, step R bk, rep L (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Shuffle R, ball change,
stamp R. Rep L (+1+23(4)+5+67(8))
Step R bk, slide L foot
round to back, step L bk, slide R foot round to back, turn, raise arms (Spanish) (1234turn56arms78)
Step heel beat R, step
heel beat L, rep 3 more times (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Shuffle step R, shuffle
step L, shuffle ball change step R, shuffle step L, shuffle step R, shuffle ball change ball dig L (+a1+a2+a3+4+a5+a6+a7+8)
Step L, pick-up step R,
step L, pick-up step R, step L. Rep R. Rep L (1+2+3+45+6+7+8 1+2+3+4)
Ball dig RNL, ball dig
R to side, ball dig RNL, ball dig R to side, step L (5+(6)+78)
Tap step ball change R,
fwd brush L, hop R, bk brush step L, pick-up ball change R, pick-up R, hop L, toe tap R, hop L
(+1+234+5+a6+7+8) Rep
Tap step ball change R,
hop R, step L bk, hop L, step R bk, step L, tap step ball change R (+1+23+(4)+56+7+8)
Rep above line on L (+1+23+(4)+56+7+8)
4x Tap step ball change
starting R (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Step heel beat R bk, step
heel beat L bk, step R, ball dig L, arms in a finishing position!! (12345(6)7(8))
Routine 12
Another one from the Oct '03 weekend. This one was taught by Jacqui Dove to 'Grease'. We didn't
have time to finish it so I have taken what we did, split it into sections, and arranged it to fit to the whole song.
Face back Count 10
1 - start
Step L ball dig RXBL. L arm horizontal R arm up. Hold (+1 hold234)
Turn to front 2 low clicks. Turn to back 2 high clicks (5678)
Turn to front - 4 walks. Tap step ball change R, step L fwd, step R bk turning to back, step LNR (1234+5+67+8)
2 choppy hands bit
Tap step heel beat heel beat R. Rep L Rep R. Step L, step R (both out) step L, step R (both in turning to front) .(+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Thingy to L, Shuffle R finishing XFL, 2x toe tap RXFL, Step R, ball change (choppy hands) (+1+2+3+4+a567+8)
Shuffle L, hop R, shuffle ball dig L, Step L, ball change (choppy hands) Rep R (+a1+a23+4+a5+a67+8)
Step L, step R turning, step L, Shuffle R, pick-up change toe tap L.(1+2a3+a4)
Step L (weight even) with Hand Jive (slap clap slice slice) 3 twisty steps LRL (flappy hand) (5+6+7+8)
3a -wing
Jump 2 foot wing, ball change RL, step R (1+a2+34)
3b- easy bit
3 walks round ball dig R (5678)
4 buffalo bit
Step R, step L turning, drag walk R, drag walk L, Stamp R,L, pull back R, spring R, toe tap LXBR (1234+5e+a6(7)+8)
3 buffalo to L, Tap step ball change L fwd (+1+a2+3+a4+5+a6+7+8)
Tap step heel beat heel beat R. Rep L Rep R. Step L,R to face bk (+1+2+3+4+5+678)
Swing hips L,R, Tap step ball change LXFR, Lunge R, Step L to front, Ball dig R (12+3+45(6)78)
5 - chorus
Shuffle R, pick-up change toe tap L, ball change, step L, Roll L shoulder then R, Point L arm round with hip wiggle
Tap step R to R, stamp L, stamp R, step LXBR, step R fwd, step L, 4 poses!! (+1+2+3+45678)
Stamp R, L, pick-up step R, pick-up step L, shuffle R, hop L, step RXFL, step L (slide), toe tap RXBL (+1+2+3+4+56(7)8)
Ball dig RtoR, heel beat L, ball dig RNL, heel beat L, Rep. Step R, L (out) Drop R touch L fwd, bk (+1+2+3+4+5678)
6a shuffle bit
Hop R, shuffle L, Rep with shuffle to side, ball change, step heel beat L (+1+a2+a3+4)
6b shuffle bit on the other leg!
Hop L, shuffle R, Rep with shuffle to side, ball change, step heel beat R (+5+a6+a7+8)
1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6a (step heel beat turns to back), 2, 5, 6a, 6b, 6a, 6b, 3b, 4, 5, 10 walks to back, 1 (do not turn to back on last step),
5, 6a (step heel beat turns to back) Finish with ball dig RXBL. L arm horizontal
R arm up (as start of section 1)