Routine 17
This is quite an easy dance that I choreographed for Level 1 Dance
For Fun. The music is an instrumental version of 'My Heart Belongs To Daddy' from an album called 'Bravo For Broadway'.
My Heart Belongs to Daddy
3 sways R L R, step L (side), step RXFL (or turn), step L (side) (123(4)567(8)) Rep 2
more times
Heel dig ball beat R, heel dig ball beat L, tap step ball change R, tap step ball change L
(1234+5+6+7+8) Rep 2 more times
Stamp R, clap, stamp L, clap, step back R, step back L, step forward R, click fingers (1234567click8)
Step heel beat L (side), step heel beat RXFL, 2x shuffle ball change L (1 forward, 1 side)
(1234+5+6+7+8) Rep 2 more times
Step LXFR, step R (bk), step L (side), step RXFL, step L (bk), step R (side), step LXFR (1234567(8))
3 straight taps R(going round), step RNL, 3 straight taps (going round), step LNR (12345678)
Pick-up step R, heel beat L, heel beat R, pick-up step L, heel beat R, heel beat L. Rep (travel
bk) (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Tap step RXFL, heel beat L, tap step R (side), heel beat L, tap step RXFL, heel beat L, tap
step ball change R (side). (+12+34+56+78) Repeat with the Left.
Step R (side), forward brush L (turning to face back) step and heel beat L, shuffle ball change
R, shuffle step heel beat R (1234+5+6+7+8)
Step L (side), forward brush R (turning to face front) step and heel beat R, shuffle ball
change L, shuffle step heel beat L (1234+5+6+7+8)
Step R (side), forward brush L (turning to face back) step and heel beat L, shuffle ball change
R, shuffle step heel beat R (1234+5+6+7+8)
Step L back (turning to face side) step RNL (turning to face front) step heel beat L (fwd)
Step R, kick L, step L, kick R, step R, kick L, step L, kick R (travelling bk) (12345678)
3 sways R L R, step L (side), step RXFL (or turn), step L (side) (123(4)567(8)) Rep 2
more times
3 sways R L R, drag L leg to behind R as you extend arms sideways, R arm higher than L (123(4)drag&hold5678)
Routine 18
This is the dance that I use for Dance For Fun Level 2. The music is a cut version of 'Don't Get Around Much Anymore'
which has had the middle section cut out to bring it down to 1.5 minutes.
Get Around Much Anymore
Start at back. RXFL on ball. Arms behind back.
Head to L. Drum intro.
Fwd tap R, bkwd tap R, step RNL (678)
Tap step L to side, ball change RL, tap step
R to side, ball change LR, tap step L to side, 3 ball changes RL turning (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Tap step R, stomp R (L leg out), step LXBR,
step R, step LXFR, tap spring R, tap spring L, 5 beat cramp roll R (+123+4+5+6+7+a8)
Scuff R (round), heel beat L, bkwd tap step
R, ball change LR (front, back), pick-up L, heel beat R, toe tap LXBR, heel beat R, tap step L, ball change RL (12+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Shuffle step heel beat R, shuffle step heel
beat L, stamp R (+1+2+3+4+(5))
Fwd brush L, hop R, step L, ball change RL (+(6)+7+8)
Heel beat L, shuffle R, heel beat L, step RXFL.
Rep R. Rep L. Rep R travelling fwd (+1+a2+3+a4+5+a6+7+a8)
Tap step R to RDF, heel beat L, heel beat R,
tap step LXFR, heel beat R, heel beat L. Rep (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Scuff R (round), heel beat L, bkwd tap step
R, ball change LR (front, back), pick-up L, heel beat R, toe tap LXBR, heel beat R, tap step L, ball change RL (12+3+4+5+6+7+8)
Shuffle step heel beat R, shuffle step heel
beat L, stamp R and full drag turn to R (+1+2+3+4+(5678))
2x Buffalo’s (Tap spring L to side, shuffle R,
spring R with L leg XFR) tap spring L, shuffle R, spring R, shuffle L, spring L, shuffle R, spring R. (+1+a2+3+a4+5+a6+a7+a8)
Rep from Buffalo
Brush L fwd, brush
LXFR, tap step L fwd, ball change RL. Rep R travelling to LDF (12+3+456+7+8)
3x 4 beat paddles starting L and crossing over
other leg, stamp R fwd with no weight, clap (1+2+3+4+5+6+7clap8)
Pick-up R, hop L, shuffle R, step R bk, pick-up
L, hop R, shuffle L, step L bk, pick-up R, spring R, step L, pick-up R, spring R, step L, spring R, step L. (+1+a2+3+a4+5+6+7+8)
Rep travelling diagonally back
Hop L, shuffle R, step RXFL, 2x Suzi-Q’s
(tap step L to side pivoting R out, pick-up R step RXFL), tap step L to side pivoting R out, pick-up R, heel beat L (1+a2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
4x 4 beat riffs starting R travelling fwd (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
8x tap steps round in own circle starting R
Step R bk, pick-up L and click fingers. (12345678)
Rep L R L travelling back diagonally.
Tap step heel beat R, tap step heel beat L travelling
fwd (+12+34)
Spring R, step LNR facing back, spring R, step
L (feet apart) face front, R arm up as L steps (+567(8))
Routine 19
A dance by Jill Freeman taught at TapUK 2003. I don't remember the music except that I think it was from the Pop Idol
Big Band album.
L, flap R, pick-up step L, pick-up step R, shuffle L, hop R, step LXFR (+1+2+a3+a4)
R ball to L heel, heel beat L, step R, 3x pick-up spring L step R (+a5+a6+a7+a8)
step L, fwd tap R, heel tap R fwd, heel beat R, bk brush step R, pick-up L, ball change LR (+1+a2+3+a4)
L finishing XFR, 3 bt riff L, toe tap R, ball change RL, toe tap R, ball change RL (+5+a6+a7+a8)
step R, pick-up L, ball change LR. Rep other way (+1+a2+3+a4)
step R, pick-up L, ball change LR, pick-up L, ball change LR, pick-up L, ball change LR (turning) (+5+a6+a7+a8)
step L, tap step R, step L, shuffle R, hop L, shuffle step R, shuffle L, hop R, step L, shuffle R, hop L, shuffle step R,
shuffle L, hop R, step L (+1+a2+a3e+a4+a5+a6e+a7+a8)
from start
R, heel dig L, ball beat L, step R, spring L, heel dig R, ball beat R, step L (+1+2+3+4)
R, shuffle L, ball change LR, tap step L, shuffle R, ball change RL (+5+a6+a7+a8+)
R side, step LXFR, lunge R, step L, step R, step L (turning), ball dig R (123(4)5678)
5 bt
cramp roll R, toe clip, ball beat R, ball beat L, heel clip, heel beat R, heel beat L (+1+a2+a3+a4)
5 bt
cramp roll R, 2x pullbacks (+5+a6e+a7e+a8)
R side, step LXBR, step R side, step LXFR, step R side (12+34)
beat R, shuffle L, heel beat R, shuffle L, heel beat R, shuffle L, heel beat R, step LXFR (+5+a6+a7+a8)
beat L, shuffle R, heel beat L, step RXFL, heel beat R, shuffle L, heel beat R, step LXFR (+1+a2+3+a4)
step R, pick-up L, ball change LR, pick-up L, ball change LR, pick-up L, ball change LR (turning) (+5+a6+a7+a8)
This is a routine
than can be taught to a class of mixed ability as it uses the same basic steps and directions, but with slight alterations
to cover 3 different levels. Have the class split into 2 lines facing each other, call one side of the room A and the other
B. You can have all the same ability together or mix everyone up.
The music I
used was ‘Sweet Dreams My L.A. Ex’ by Rachel Stevens. Start dancing when the singing starts and stop when you’ve
had enough!! You can fit five times through, then get the class to freestyle for 16 bars, then repeat routine one more time.
A: Ball change
RL, step R (side). Rep L,R,L. (1+23+45+67+8) 3 beat riff
R (travelling fwd), Rep L. Stamp R, L, 4 beat cramp roll R (+12+3456+7+8)
Ball change RL, step R (side). Rep L,R,L. (1+23+45+67+8)3
beat riff R (travelling fwd), Rep L. Stamp R, L, 4 beat cramp roll R (+12+3456+7+8)
A: Tap step R, tap step L, tap step R, pause. Rep L (+1+2+3(4)+5+6+7(8))
B: Tap step
R, tap step L, tap step R, pause. Rep L (+1+2+3(4)+5+6+7(8))
The two groups should now have met in the centre and should use the next step to pass each other.
BOTH: Step,
clap, 4 times starting R (12345678) (for this you can take quarter turn to right and
cross the L over R on the second and fourth steps).
BOTH: 3 single buffalo’s R travelling to edge, step R, step L to face other group(1+a23+a45+a678)
The groups should have now switched places so when you start again the original group
B is now on the group A side and therefore will start the next time through.
A: Pick-up R, ball change RL,
step R (side). Rep L,R,L. (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
4 beat riff R (travelling fwd), Rep L. Stamp R, L, 5 beat cramp roll
R (+1+2+3+456+7+a8)
B: Pick-up R, ball change RL, step R (side). Rep L,R,L. (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
4 beat riff R (travelling fwd), Rep L. Stamp R, L, 5 beat cramp roll
R (+1+2+3+456+7+a8)
A: Tap step R, tap step L, tap step R, heel beat R, toe tap L. Rep
L (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
B: Tap step R, tap step L, tap step R heel beat R, toe tap L. Rep L (+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)
The two groups should now have met in the centre and should use the next step to pass each other.
BOTH: Flap,
clap, 4 times starting R (a12a34a56a78) (for
this you can take quarter turn to right and cross the L over R on the second and fourth flaps).
BOTH: 3 double buffalo’s R travelling to edge, step R, step L to face other group (+1+a2+3+a4+5+a678)
The groups should have now switched places so when you start again the original group
B is now on the group A side and therefore will start the next time through
Shuffle R, ball change RL, step R. Rep L,R,L (+1+a2+3+a4+5+a6+7+a8)
5 beat riff R (travelling fwd), Rep L. Stamp R, L, 6 beat cramp roll R (+1+a2+3+a456+a7+a8)
B: Shuffle R, ball change RL, step R. Rep L,R,L (+1+a2+3+a4+5+a6+7+a8)
5 beat riff R (travelling fwd), Rep L. Stamp R, L, 6 beat cramp roll R (+1+a2+3+a456+a7+a8)
A: Tap step heel beat R, tap step heel beat L, tap step heel beat R, toe tap
L, heel beat R. Rep L (+a1+a2+a3+4+a5+a6+a7+8)
B: Tap step
heel beat R, tap step heel beat L, tap step heel beat R, toe tap L, heel beat R. Rep L (+a1+a2+a3+4+a5+a6+a7+8)
The two groups should now have met in the centre and should use the next step to pass each other.
BOTH: 3 beat
flap, clap, 4 times starting R (+a12+a 34+a 56+a 78) (for this you can take quarter turn to right and cross the L over R on the second and fourth flaps).
BOTH: 3 triple buffalo’s R travelling to edge, step R, step L to face other group (+a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a678)
The groups should have now switched places so when you start again the original group
B is now on the group A side and therefore will start the next time through.