About me
My name is Jo Summerfield and I have been dancing since I was three years old, now concentrating solely on tap. I live
in Hertfordshire in the UK and run JS Tap Academy - a tap dance school for adults and children.
I am available to guest teach at tap workshops during weekdays, evenings and weekends. I also contribute regularly
to the Talking Tap series in Dance Expression magazine.
About this site
I have created this site mainly because I love tap dancing but also as a resource for other tappers - especially adults
who already dance or are interested in dancing. Use the navigation area on the left to look around at some tap routines and
combinations, reviews, information and links.

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Why Tap?
Tap dancing for adults is a very good form of aerobic exercise. It can help with balance, posture and co-ordination,
and it also tones up the muscles - especially the legs!
Other good reasons to tap dance are that it's an excellent social activity, you learn a new skill and it is really good